why messedo

About us

We are sure that communication with your customers via SMS services can be as delicious and comfortable as to taste a cup of coffee

Messedo has wide range of services provided: SMS and VOIP services, new technology development.

We are fond of making business SMS messaging & international texting convenient, reliable and easy. Portal and platform are adopted for solo and small business, tuned for middle-sized entities, customed for managing volumes of large business.
Our mission as a Service provider is to create reliable & business-oriented services for our customers.

Connecting words Message and Do into MesseDo we care everyday of customers from tech, IT, gaming hosting, marketplaces, retail, marketing agencies, travel, education, pizzerias & lots of other areas to enjoy and get value from the partnership with us.

Working worldwide 15+ years.
Messaging experience 10+ years.

Based in Ukraine.
Our offices are located in Portugal, Spain, Moldova, Ukraine.